Thursday, January 22, 2009

Looking After Your Forklift

If you look after your rough terrain forklift, it will look after you in return. This means doing some basic maintenance work yourself, as well as ensuring your dealer will provide on-site service when required. Like cars, forklifts benefit from some tender loving care and common sense upkeep. If you provide this care and upkeep you will reap the benefits by experiencing fewer problems and receiving longer service from your rough terrain forklifts.

Having some basic knowledge of cars and how to look after them will give you a head start if this is your first rough terrain forklift, as some of its needs are similar to those of a car. Keeping the fork lift clean and doing some regular and necessary `housekeeping' tasks such as clearing dirt from the axles and wheels will prolong its life and usefulness. Your rough terrain forklift needs regular oil changes as well as hydraulic inspection and lubrication. While you probably won't have the time or experience to do some of this maintenance work, making sure the work is carried out when it is necessary will help your forklift last longer.

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